• Featured Causes
    Educating young men and women to make them productive in the society with different vocational training will change their lives. We are planning to start sewing training centers and different technical...
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  • Featured Causes
    IPC West Bengal is in the mission of starting house prayer groups in all the villages of this unreached state and eventually this prayer group will grow into a village church....
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  • Featured Causes
    Modern lifestyle creates a lot of social problems in the society. Broken relationships and all kind of addictions can be seen everywhere. Family values and interpersonal relationships are lost. Broken families...
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  • Featured Causes
    Young people are lost by the influence of drugs, pornography and all kind of evil addictions. PYPA the youth wing of IPC with its motto ”Saved to Serve” is actively involved...
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  • Featured Causes
    We are involved in improving health awareness through various medical training seminars and medical clinics in the villages. Shortage of clean drinking water is a major issue in these villages. Establishing...
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  • Featured Causes
    Poor and marginalized women including Dalits and rural women are neglected and going through a lot of medical problems. IPC is in the process of developing women welfare centers where they...
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IPC West Bengal is in the mission of starting house prayer groups in all the villages of this unreached state and eventually this prayer group will grow into a village church. Young men and women who are committed to Gospel ministry will be trained to reach their villages in IBTC.

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We are involved in improving health awareness through various medical training seminars and medical clinics in the villages. Shortage of clean drinking water is a major issue in these villages. Establishing hand pump wells in these villages will improve their quality of life.

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Development Program

Poor uneducated malnourished children is common seen in these villages. IPC is in the process of establishing child development centers in villages where they will be fed and basic education will be given. We believe in Psalms 119:105 that the word of God is a lamp and a light to the feet …

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IPC West Bengal State Leadership

Pr. P.A.Kurian

A letter from president
God in His mercy and grace called me in to the ministry forty three years ago while I was a teenager. Though I was hesitant to accept the call He won over me and I have made the commitment to serve my master and savior Jesus Christ. I still remember the day I heard the voice from the Lord that

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Pr. Pradeep Kumar VK
Vice President
Pr. Finny Parayil
Pr. Shiju Mathew
Joint Secretary
Bro. P.C. Chacko

Inspirational missions quotes of great missionaries